El Cajon Animal Shelter

Adopt a furry friend at the El Cajon Animal Shelter!

We have pets of all different types for adoption -- dogs, cats, bunnies and more -- and can adopt to you no matter where you live. Check out our pets for adoption on our Pet Finder list (see website below). Our adoption pets change daily so come down and see what we have. We will try to match you up with the best pet for you and your family!

Dog adoptions: $80
Cat adoptions: $80
Senior pet (over 8 years old) adoptions: $30

Dog and cat adoptions include a registered microchip. They are also spayed/neutered and up-to-date with their vaccinations.

We also have other types of pets for adoption at different times. The adoption fees for these animals varies from pet to pet, so please check with us!

We have lots of lovable animals who just need a loving home! Adopt a shelter animal and change a life forever.

1373 N Marshall Ave
El Cajon, CA 92020
United States