Habeeb Educational and Human Welfare Society

Habeeb Educational and Human Welfare Society

HEHWS was founded on22/12/2012 by Mr. Abu Shahma Siddiqui with a passion for humanity and to fulfill our responsibility towards our less privileged brothrs

Help People and Save Humanity...
this is our Missin,

so Help us to Help People..

HABEEB Educational and Human Welfare Society was founded on 22th December, 2012 by Mr. Abu Shahma Siddiqui with a passion for humanity and to fulfill our responsibility towards our less privileged brothers & sisters

Qaisar jahan Society is committed to social justice, sustainable development and human rights. The right to communicate freely is a basic human right and a necessity for sustainable development. Access to information is essential to informed decision-making at all levels.
QEHWS is committed to the dissemination of information and promotion of sustainable development initiatives, in response to the needs of under represented and marginalized sectors of society. For bridging the data gap and improving information availability NGO network is committed to develop and establish an ideal medium for the Participation and exchange of a trusted and accurate source of quality information.

Let's start helping the poor, orphan, financially crippled, extremely needy people of the society to meet day to day needs, education of their children, marriages of their daughters and disabled people.
In view of your ability and good gesture in helping the needy people of the society,
kindly and humbly we request you to donate and share the smiles with deserving human beings in the name of humanity and reward from Almighty ALLAH in the days to come in your prosperous life.

Jaunpur, 222001