PAWS (Pets are Worth Saving)

We are a 100% volunteer operated non-profit animal shelter sanctioned by CFAY. We are not affiliated with any other rescue or re-homing organizations.

Our Mission:
To find a permanent home for every adoptable animal that enters the shelter while educating the community on healthy pet relationships. We are also committed to assisting CFAY Security and the Veterinary Treatment Facility in controlling the feral cat population.

Our Services:
- Placing animals in forever homes
- Receiving surrendered dogs and cats as a LAST RESORT
- Rescuing adoptable stray animals that have been found on military installations
- Conducting spay-and-release of feral cats
- Providing education in responsible pet ownership to the CFAY community
- Providing volunteer opportunities for the local community and commands


President - Gabrielle Walker
Vice President - Jonathan Payne
Treasurer - Cole Walker
Secretary - Elaine Browning
Volunteer Coordinator - Joey Payne
Kitten Coordinator - Amanda Kitchner
Veterinary Coordinator - Michael Ojeda

BLDG J-1260