East Bay SPCA

Adoption Centers open Weds-Sun from 11 am - 6 pm in Oakland and Dublin. 8323 Baldwin St., Oakland / 4651 Gleason Dr., Dublin. We also offer low-cost spay/neuter and operate a full-service veterinary clinic in Oakland.

The East Bay SPCA is committed to the welfare of cats and dogs in the communities we serve. We strive to eliminate animal cruelty, neglect and overpopulation by providing programs and education that support people and companion animals.

Join us to support East Bay animals. We encourage open discussion and invite you to share your opinion on our issues.
By participating in this page, you are agreeing to our commenting policy outlined below:
We reserve the right to delete posts on our page containing any of the following elements:
-off-topic / irrelevant
-personal attacks
-promoting or condoning violence
-promoting illegal or questionable activities
-rallying on behalf of people or organizations that support animal abuse
-hate speech

If you repeatedly violate this policy, you will be removed from our page.
If you become a bother to our supporters (since this page is for our supporters) you will be removed. Again, we encourage open discussion including disagreement, but we will not tolerate harassment or taunting of our supporters.
We also ask that you do not use the East Bay SPCA Facebook page as a platform for to appeal for a new home for your pets or to fundraise for your own animals. If you are looking for a new home for your pet, please call us at 510-569-0702 or see www.eastbayspca.org/surrender so we can help you.

8323 Baldwin St
Oakland, CA 94621
United States