LAWC - Lamma Animal Welfare Centre

Lamma Animal Welfare Centre (LAWC) is a registered charity, run by a group of committed volunteers with an aim to improve conditions for all living things on this lovely island and beyond, with a particular focus on homeless animals.

LAWC aims to
- rescue, care for and re-home abused or homeless animals
- promote responsible pet ownership
- work with animal and the government to monitor and control feral animal populations
- support animal-friendly legislation

- 拯救及照顧被虐待或遺棄的動物,及為牠們安排領養。
- 推擴負責任養寵物之道
- 與政府及其他動物福利組織合作,監察及控制流浪貓狗數目
- 支持為動物求福祉之法規

G/F 10 Sha Po New Village, Yung Shue Wan, Lamma Island
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Hong Kong