Elpida Shelter of Hope

Elpida shelter of Hope
Sort code : 20-45-45
Account number : 00311456

Improving the shelter, as there is hardly any protection against the weather or sun, the fencing around the shelter is falling apart. Improvements can be made by creating new areas for the dogs, smaller groups, providing more space for each dog, and less risk of fights over food, toys etc. Improving the current structure, by stabilizing fencing, roofs and other constructure. Building larger brick houses, to provid a proper sleeping eare, where they can stay cool and protected of the sun during summer, and warm and dry during winter. More roof constructions, for the same purpose as the houses.

Basic care, such as food, flea, tick and worm treatment, blood tests, vaccinations, surgery and other medical treatments. Toys, treats, dog houses, blankets. Our first priority is to make sure the dogs have food and water. During summer, it is crucial that the dogs are protected against fleas, ticks and mosquito's, as they carry diseases such as heartworm and leishmania. It is also our ambition to have all dogs vaccinated, have their blood tested, prevent diseases, have them spayed or neutered and micro chipped. dogs that are ill needs to be treated and given a chance of a healthy life. enclosures, dog houses and blankets keeps the dogs safe and protected from the weather. Toys might not seem a basic need, but boredom leading to depression is common at many shelters. Dogs are curious by nature, and smart, and they need to have something to keep them occupied. And treats, well, treats are just nice, as all dogs deserve one every now and then.

And finally, adoptions.
It is our goal to rehome as many dogs as possible, providing them with homes where all their needs are met. In addition, for every dog leaving the shelter, a dog living on the streets will be given the same chance. So for every dog adopted, two are saved.

Livadeiá, 1000