Pretty Kitty TNR & Kitten Adoptions of Central Mississippi

“Pretty Kitty TNR” is an ever growing group of volunteers as concerned citizens for both free roaming felines, as well as the surrounding communities.

It is our mission to reduce the numbers of generally healthy cats being euthanized in Central Mississippi by providing TNR services to any who are interested or willing to agree to the spay or neuter of any cats on their property. We would like to work with any willing shelters, rescue groups, or animal advocacy groups, even city or county animal control agencies, to effectively sterilize the majority of outdoor felines, that would otherwise result in a growing and ongoing cycle of trap, remove, and kill.

We care about all animals, but focus on the "feral cat" (wild / outdoors / at-large / free-raoming / untamed / unsuitable for adoption) because they are needlessly killed 3x more compared to any other group of generally HEALTHY animals.
We are an ever growing and networked group of volunteer private citizens who are concerned about the growing feline overpopulation problem. We are keenly aware of the burden on shelters to euthanize healthy animals, and the overwhelm to any or all of us good Samaritans practicing rescue during kittens season. By attempting to halt population growth and reduce expantion, we are also attempting to prevent the overharvesting of natural resources from feline overpopulation, so as to prevent feral cats from suffering from starvation, from disease, and painful deaths or being murdered.
Less free roaming felines also translates into less predation upon our native songbirds, and hopfully increases the value and popularity of beloved house cat.
Returning, accepting, and caring for the ear tipped, vaccinated, and sterilized cat results in a natural feline population deterrent, as well as reduces the occurrence of community disturbances from nuisance behaviors. "Fixed" cats occupy space and resources away from fertile cats; they contribute ZERO to population growth, while still hunting disease carrying vermin such as mice and rats.
These animal are already out there and deserve to live. Once vaccinated and after their hormones are out of their system, they no longer caterwaul for a mate, they no longer fight for a mate, they no longer screech while mating, they "Spray" with less frequency and with much less stench, and they tend to bury their poo to hide from predators above that old behavior of advertising for a mate. They also keep the area with no interest to fertile cats who move on elswhere unable to breed. Less cats means less complaints upon animal control, less burden on shelters, less annoying behaviors, and again, less cats also translates into less song bird predation.
Love or Hate cats, support TNR and the occaisional presence of the Ear Tipped and vaccinated cat.

In & Around the Surrounding Metropolitan & Suburban Areas
Jackson, MS 39201
United States

shy girl, but sweet & playful

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