VšĮ „SOS gyvūnai“

Tegul žmonės padeda mums padėti Jiems! Help us help them! www.sos-gyvunai.lt

„SOS gyvūnų“ misija ir pagrindinis tikslas – teikti visapusišką pagalbą beglobiams ir benamiams gyvūnams: užtikrinti veterinarinę priežiūrą, aprūpinimą maistu bei prieglobsčiu, kol bus surasti nauji šeimininkai.

Our mission is to place every pet that enters our shelter into a loving permanent home, because we believe that no matter what their size, shape or story, all dogs and cats deserve the chance to live long, happy and healthy lives. SOS animals functions as an adoption shelter, but we also do everything in our power to reduce pet overpopulation by spaying/neutering pets before placing them with new owners. We are able to do so only because of donations from good-will people.

We work hard every day to accomplish our mission not only by providing our pets with shelter, food, medical care, but also by adoption services and educating the community, sharing our beliefs.


Миссия организации “SOS животные” и основная цель – оказывать всевозможную помощь бездомным животным: необходимые ветеринарные услуги, обеспечение пищей и уход, пока не найдутся новые хозяева.

Minsko pl. 33a