Stardust Animal Sanctuary

Stardust Animal Sanctuary is a non-profit 501(c)3 refuge, rehabilitation center, & retreat for at-risk animals with urgent medical and emotional needs.

​Stardust Animal Sanctuary is a nonprofit 501(c)3 committed to providing a loving permanent home to farm animals as well as dogs, cats, and horses.

With lifetime care and guardianship of these permanent residents, we can address their special needs, whether it originated with medical issues, fear-based behavior, neglect, or abuse. These farm and companion animals simply need the safety and comfort of a truly forever home.

It is our mission that these animals are seen for the amazing individuals that they are. With education and healing potential in mind, we welcome the public to spend time here within the sanctuary environment.

Our Mission

Stardust Animal Sanctuary is a refuge, rehabilitation center, and retreat for at-risk animals with urgent medical and emotional needs. We are a Not-For-Profit 501(c)3 Charitable Organization #26-2812383 located in the northwest suburbs of Chicago.

We provide lifetime care and hospice for unadoptable horses, dogs, and cats. These animals​ have become unadoptable due to special medical needs, prior abuse, and/or neglect situations resulting in trust, territorial, or other ongoing physical or emotional issues.

We also pursue the healing potential for both persons and animals in need within the sanctuary environment. We have day retreats at Stardust Animal Sanctuary where animal interaction and caring for them brings peace and healing to those involved.

3106 East Solon Road
Richmond, IL 60071
United States