RVR Horse Rescue

RVR Horse Rescue is a 501(c)3 Tax Deductible Non-Profit Organization located in Riverview, FL.

Visitors by appointment only.

We will be their voice. We are C.L.E.A.R. (Care.Learn.Educate.Act.Rescue.)
Our mission is to intervene, rescue, rehabilitate and provide sanctuary for neglected, abused, abandoned, and traumatized horses and farm animals. Our goal is to take them out of their bad situations and find loving homes for them.

We provide medical attention, nutrition, training, and a safe haven to rehabilitate the horses so we can place them for a small adoption fee to approved, loving homes. We work closely with Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Agriculture Department. We take action to save horses being sold for slaughter. RVR Horse Rescue also keeps track of all adopted horses to make sure their living conditions remain good for the rest of their lives.

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12611 Hayes Clan Road
Riverview, FL 33579
United States