پناهگاه حیوانات پردیس Pardis animal shelter




صدا و پناهی باشیم برای مخلوقات بی پناه و بی دفاع خدواند. مخلوقاتی که با آنها در یک سیاره و تنها یک سیاره زندگی میکنیم و همگی مان مستحق حیات و پناه و غذا و امنیت میباشیم

To be the voice and shelter for voiceless and defenceless creatures with whom we share the same and only planet on which we all deserve to have a safe shelter and food and safety.

Dear friends,

Thank you for stopping by and checking out our page.
After the cruel and ruthless dog cull in Tabriz, Iran, a group of lovers of nature and
animalsgot together and started the first animal shelter in Tabriz to protect these
innocent creatures.

Pardis Animal Shelter of Tabriz has been officially registered as an NGO under the registration number 2742 and license number 45067 by the Ministry of the Interior of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and under the name of Tabriz Animal Supporter Society.

In order to continue, we need your help and dedication to this great cause. The least
you can do is to help us to feed and protect these defenceless animals.

What we need at the shelter on a continuous basis is as follows:

1) Shelter and dog necessities such as leash, harness, food dishes, blankets and such
2) Food for dogs
3) Veterinary medications and vaccines
4) Cleaning detergents and disinfectants
5) Monthly financial support of the shelter

and more important than all, adopting and taking care of these most loyal friends of man.

We trust with your help we will be able to continue our work and be a voice and shelter for
these voiceless and defenceless creatures whith whom we share the same planet.

Anomajne Hami Hemyvanat Tabriz (Tabriz Animal Supporter Society) Bank Mellat Bank Card Number 6104337836695833 or account Number 56904810/62
From US or Canada please contact our representative in North America Mr. Farid Aram by email at:
From United Kingdom please contact our representative Ms. Thoraya Bartawi by email at: thoraya@bartawi.co.uk
From All Other parts of the world please contact our representative Ms. Somayeh Hosseini at pardis.som@gmail.com

جاده تبریز-صوفیان-سمت برگشت بطرف تبریز-جاده قم تپه-دست چپ اول جاده قم تپه-پناهگاه حیوانات پردیس
Iran, Islamic Republic of