Fairbanks North Star Borough Animal Control

Information about the Shelter, Ordinances, and Animal Control.

*** Content posted or submitted, including private messages, chats or other communications, is subject to disclosure in accordance with the Public Records Act. Any content maintained in a social media format that is related to FNSB business, including a list of subscribers and posted communication, is a public record. ***

All social network sites and entries shall clearly indicate that all content posted or submitted, included private messages, chats or other communications, is subject to disclosure in accordance with the Public Records Act. Any content maintained in a social media format that is related to FNSB business, including a list of subscribers and posted communication, is a public record.

Users and visitors to social media sites shall be notified that the intended purpose of the site is to serve as a mechanism for communication between FNSB departments and members of
the public.

The following postings shall not be allowed:

A. To the extent prohibited by APOC, comments in support or opposition to political campaigns or ballot measures or other political actions;

B. Profane language or content;

C. Content that promotes, fosters or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of age, race, religion, sex, ethnicity, nationality, disability, or other protected class, status or characteristic;

D. Sexual content or links to sexual content;

E. Solicitations of commerce;

F. Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity;

G. Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems; or

H. Content that violates a legal ownership interest of any other party.

The full social media policy can be found on the following link:

2408 Davis Rd
Fairbanks, AK 99701
United States