International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa.

Reg: Environmental & Animal Welfare Company. Environmental Investigations/Consultant.

Environmental and animal abuse investigations. Working to sustain the environment by offering attractive alternative agricultural programs to bush and pet meat traders. Animal rescue and protection of threatened species. Creating awareness and education via boots on the ground projects. Building community relations to protect both our biodiversity and, sustain species survival. Decreasing hunger and poverty while increasing income to communities that are destroying the Africans continent. Our mission objectives are related to our beautiful Africa with few exceptions. For a full fact sheet please contact us today.

International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa © a registered environmental company consists of environmental investigative officers, consultants, rescuers, and experts specializing and volunteering their expertise in all aspects of environmentalism and animal welfare. For more information contact +441603613367 (UK)

International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa © consists of both volunteers and paid workers with a broad bilingual vocabulary. All IARFA missions, investigations, projects, causes and rescues occur only on the African continent with few exceptions.

International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa © does not work out of this jurisdiction, but will cover all related Africans islands too.

International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa © are renowned for their ability to reach remote locations on the continent and, have a wide range of local and international contacts that can assist the organisation within a very short time frame.

International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa © are self funded however at times do rely on public donations to fund 10% of their operations that may or may not fall within our mission statement. The 10% covers projects and operations that we have either accepted from the public on demand or, investigative projects that require protective equipment, emergency medical, emergency bail-outs, travel, rescue Etc (The 10% falls within the emergency project clause). For more information please contact us.

International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa © does not specialize in domestic animal welfare or, anything non-related to our cause and mission. However we may make exceptions depending on the circumstances and, if it such causes fall within our strict mission statement. Should we receive more than one hundred calls for help relating to our mission out of our jurisdiction we will contact you/make public how we can assist.

International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa © consists of five departments as listed below;


Wild animal welfare, anti poaching, animal abuse investigations.


Environmental investigations relating to; pollution, illegal logging; animal parts trade; habitat destruction; poaching; indiscriminate killing, or other serious crimes relating to "animal[s] or the environment" Etc.


Operation Trojan Horse: Animal parts trade; rhino and ivory parts trafficking; environmental investigations; animal abuse investigations. External Affairs Department officers operate on the ground and online undertaking online surveillance relating to criminal activity surrounding the animal parts trade, trafficking, smuggling Etc.


Decreasing pet and bush meat trade by offering attractive green sustainable non-animal farming solutions to farmers and traders throughout Africa. Investigations relating to the bush meat trade and, Africans pet meat trade. 2013 we formed the Say No To Dog Meat organisation founded in Australia. The organisation specializes on the illegal pet and bush meat trade in Africa, Asia and beyond.


Alerting the public to newly discovered and threatened species of flora and fauna on the continent and internationally. Every Monday and Friday the organisation will host its endangered species watch post. (

Research and investigating on the ground in over 20+ African countries species of threatened flora and fauna. Working to preserve and protect threatened species. Building community projects with the help of volunteers to protect biodiversity, habitat and threatened species.

Included within the E.S.P are local and community projects to help us better understand the current threats to flora and fauna while building support and creating individual species protective programs.

International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa © supports local and international protective captivity programs to sustain species survival. We do not support canned hunting, unsustainable farming, petting farms, trophy hunting. The organisation does support to "some degree" areas of the "sustainable utilization program" of which includes green farming, alternative farming or projects that move communities or individuals away from destructive or non-green-harmful practices. Failing this we fail as an organisation to help communities in areas where little farming practices are seen, income is low and abuse is high. Please contact the organisation below.

Contact: or


Press and media are to contact our British office hereto at:

International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa © are not charitable nor do we intend to be. Self funded the organisation takes only 10% of public donations. All donations when used will be made public via our transparency public data register seen here:

To make a donation to please click the link hereto:

To make a donation to our sister organisation Say No To Dog Meat please click the link hereto:

International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa © team consist of vegans and vegetarians. The organisation also believes in creating a healthy and attractive non-cruelty eating program. You can visit our program by clicking the link below:

Fair Use Policy.

At times we may use your materials to promote our cause, mission or species of flora and fauna.

What does fair use allow?

Under fair use rules, it may be possible to use quotations or excerpts, where the work has been made available to the public, (i.e. published). Provided that:

1. The use is deemed acceptable under the terms of fair dealing.
2. That the quoted material is justified, and no more than is necessary is included.
3. That the source of the quoted material is mentioned, along with the name of the author.

Typical free uses of work include:

1. Inclusion for the purpose of news reporting.
2. Incidental inclusion.
3. National laws typically allow limited private and educational use.

If you feel we have violated an image or material that you own or, have genuinely forgotten to include the link to any work please contact us at the address below. We'll make the immediate alterations on your request or remove your work. However in should any image fall within our "investigative arm" we will not remove that image nor will it be published onto this site.

International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa © Facebook platform is for public communication, awareness and, education. International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa © will at times promote their own work or that of others that may not fall within our mission or cause. International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa © uses a strict profanity filter which will block derogatory words or words that we've included within the filter. The filter is to ensure that everyone enjoys an equal and fair debate without racist, graphic or derogatory words used. At times some words may be made public as they do not fall within the filter. We will block these words, memes and any other information that does not relate to our cause. Spam and repeated offenders will be banned without notice. Should you notice any data or offence before the admins of this page do, please contact the site page via the email contact box. Please include name, details and a direct url link to the offending material and we'll be onto it in hours.


Dr Jose C. Depre CEO
Michele Brown CEO (partner)
Johan Le roux (Director)
Harvey Allmandinger (Director)
Justine Forest (Director)

An entire list of staff members can be obtained on request providing one submits reason.

Johannesburg, 0085
South Africa